Friday, July 8, 2011



Growing up as a child of parents in the antique business, my interest in interior design and decorating began at an early age.  Countless hours were spent perusing antique stores, flea markets and attending auctions in search of treasures.

Upon graduating from The American Intercontinental University in Atlanta with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Interior Design, I worked at Ferry, Hayes & Allen, one of the city's premier commercial interior design firms. Then, after vacationing in Seagrove, FL during the summer of 2000, I decided to take a leap of faith and move to the coast.  Within one month I put my house on the market, packed up all of my belonging, including Annabelle and Little Man (my dog and cat), and made the big move.  It is here where I have had the pleasure to work as the in house design consultant for some of our area's premier residential resort communities, including WaterColor, WaterSound and Alys Beach.

In 2007 I was blessed with boy/girl twins and assumed the role as a stay at home mom which has truly been a remarkable and rewarding experience.  Now my children are in preschool, and I am afforded the opportunity to get back in touch with my creative side and return to the world of design.


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